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Property Indepth Consumer Research

Welcome to our research survey – spend a few minutes answering our questions so we can make our product better.

1. If you work in the property industry please specify the nature of your business:

2. When BUYING or SELLING a home how would you determine what the property is worth?

3. If you were SELLING a home using a real estate agent, how much weight would you place on their advice in relation to the potential sale price of your property?

4. If you were BUYING a home, how much weight would you place on real estate agents advice in relation to the potential sale price of the property?

5. When SELLING a home when would you use the services of a property valuer?

6. When BUYING a home when would you use the services of a property valuer?

7. When considering BUYING a home, if you had the chance to see an independent registered valuation report, would you be interested in viewing it?

8. You can currently access computer generated Market Value estimates online for $50.

Registered valuations are generally available from $525.

If you were offered IMMEDIATE access to an independent registered valuation report on a property you were considering BUYING, what price would you be prepared to pay to view that report?

9. When considering BUYING a property please rank the importance of the following to you:

10. When SELLING your home what would stop you from making your registered valuation report available for all potential purchasers to view.

Please comment:

Thank you for taking our survey.

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