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South Auckland Valuers

South Auckland property valuers

Rene McLean beside a typical Manurewa home that he regularly values.


Valuing the Pacific’s biggest, dynamic, and most diverse Polynesian city – South Auckland – is a team effort for Property InDepth’s Manukau property valuers.

Rene McLean, Karen Hawke and Vennessa Bell provide independent property valuations throughout Pakuranga, Highland Park, Bucklands Beach, Howick, Botany Downs, Cockle Bay, Beachlands, Dannemora, Flatbush, Otara, Mangere, Papatoetoe, Manurewa, and Takanini.

“We pride ourselves on the thoroughness with which we complete each valuation inspection, and the level of accurate detail that we then communicate to our Manukau and wider South Auckland customers via our valuation reports,” Rene says. “As our slogan states, we provide ‘Detailed Valuations – Delivered Fast’ – and these essential elements are what separates us from our competitors.”



Rene has lived in the Howick area for the past 30 years and has been valuing the full and diverse range of properties across Auckland’s southern and eastern suburbs for 20 years.

“I love the challenge of valuing a complete range of property from ‘do ups’ in Otara to clifftop mansions in Bucklands Beach,” he explains.

Rene has much more than just a theoretical knowledge of the local property scene. His own property investment portfolio has been created through house relocation, subdivision, mortgagee sales and new buildings. He’s also very familiar with renovations, landscaping, adding rooms, minor units, units, flats, buying undervalue in suburbs ‘about to boom’, apartments and overseas property. He also appreciates character homes, living and working in the oldest home in Howick – Fencible Cottage.

“I work with property investors (most often in South Auckland), homeowners, developers and builders including the expanding areas of Flat Bush and Beachlands. Having extensively travelled with my family through 40 countries in 2014 I love and appreciate my Auckland home and understand why this city is, and is justified in being, one of the most expensive in the world.”

Rene has a Bachelor of Property from Auckland University and started his valuation career with Valuation New Zealand. His hobbies include squash, tennis, surfing and he and his family are members of Botany Life Community Church. Proud to be involved with Auckland Professional Property people, Rene also regularly speaks at other property investment and mentoring groups.


“My valuing team includes Karen Hawke, who is a Registered Valuer based in Half Moon Bay, and Vennessa Bell who is a Registered Valuer and who is also fluent in Mandarin and also understands Cantonese,” Rene adds.

“Our knowledge of Manukau’s residential and lifestyle properties, coupled with our access to a wide range of information sources, and our detailed on-site inspections means that our valuation reports allow our customers to make fully-informed decisions in respect of their properties whether they’re in the city, over in Howick, Pakuranga or further out in Bucklands Beach, Cockle Bay or Beachlands,” Rene adds.

Contact us now for your professional property valuation – simply call 0800 463 378


  • Rene McLean South Auckland property valuer.

    Rene McLean

    Registered Valuer, MPINZ, ANZIV

    Mobile: 021 778225

    Contact Rene
  • Karen Hawke

    Registered Valuer

    Mobile: 021 2977066

    Contact Karen
  • South Auckland & Manukau property valuer - Vennessa Bell.

    Vennessa Bell

    Registered Valuer

    Mobile: 021 580988

    Contact Vennessa

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